Friday 7 November 2014

Teachers Are Totally Awesome!

Today was 'pupil free' day. Sam had a play date with his Nan and Gramps, so this was my chance to finish all the paperwork for Sam's home school application. If Sam was a typical child, it would still be a mammoth task. Add in the health, learning and developmental issues...oh boy. me to explain and document my education program, I first need the person, who will be assessing it, to understand why I've designed it that way and made certain adaptations. The learning profile of a child with 22Q is very complex.  So I first need to tell them about 22Q, because I bet you $100 they will never have heard of it. Then I need to list the typical learning issues found in children with 22Q. Finally, I have to bring all that information and my first hand knowledge of Sam together to create a Sam specific learning profile. In essence, how to teach Sam.
I'm so glad I came across this book - 'Educating Children with Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome (also known as 22Q 11.2 Deletion Syndrome and DiGeorge Syndrome)'. It's brilliant and has been a huge help.
Hopefully, the person will now understand where I am coming from. Next task is outlining my Education Program for Sam. The Prep (or Foundation) year covers English, Maths, Science, History and Geography and I have to show that I am following the Australian Curriculum content, aims and desired outcomes. I must detail what the child's learning needs and goals are; planned content, topics and learning opportunities; planned teaching strategies to facilitate learning; resources I will use and of course how I will assess Sam's work. All that for each subject. I also have to describe the learning environment, opportunities for learning, opportunities for socialisation and of course what my short and long term goals are.

Is your head about to explode yet?

I have always admired teachers and how hard they work, but after this experience, I have a whole new level of respect for what they do. I honestly don't know how they ever find the time to teach!

When the form asked me to describe the learning environment, I thought I would show them instead. This is my newly refurbished home office.
Reading corner.
My library and stash of teaching materials. The drawers at the bottom are full of goodies to help me create new learning activities.

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